Ton Workshop "Tiere gestalten"


About the offer

About the serviceprovider

pro ton Sieglinde Hofbauer

In the ceramics workshop "proTon Open Studio" you can learn how to make pottery and paint different types of ceramics. The artist Sieglinde Hofbauer has been working with clay for over 30 years. Sieglinde offers workshops in Pöllau for all people who like to work with clay but do not have the space or materials at home. In the atmospheric vaulted cellar in the Froschauergasse, individual works of art are created under professional guidance.
Material and tools are available.

The material clay is a natural product, we learn how this material is made and what its properties are. In the ceramics workshop "proTon Open Studio" we try out different construction and decoration techniques and learn interesting facts about firing techniques, glazes and colors. There is the possibility to work on the potter's wheel and you can make a piece of your choice and take it home.

Date and time

  • 09/04/2024 - 31/12/2030

Contact operator

Address of the organizer

Location address
